9 September 2008

This Is A Wind-Up?

Please, please, somebody tell me this is a spoof ...

It is a spoof, right?
Or are those sirens in the background the men in white coats coming to take her away?


Esther said...

Grin the things you find on the internet! I wish rainbows were on the increase I've seen two in the last year and that's with looking actively for one because Small had never seen one.

April said...

Well she wasn't the brightest spark in the box was she - and she can't spell!

April xx

Lindsey said...

lmao That's the funniest thing I've seen in ages.
So -
a) have Americans finally discovered irony, or
b)are they really this stupid? I'm voting a).. It's scary that one of their number has his finger on "The Button".
I'm off to investigate what polutants in the atmosphere 'cause the bathroom window to get foggy when you have a hot shower!! It's a conspiracy!!

nikki/WhiMSy love said...

That's funny!

Lindsey said...

I just had to delve further. When you go onto YouTube and search dboots, she has loads of these videos. She is a total fruit loop (as they would say over there). Everything, and I mean everything, is a conspiracy of the Amercian Gov't and various largest corporations, according to her.
She really is quite scary, and she can't be the only one...

Natalie said...

OMG! We've had some spectacularly huge rainbows near us lately! I'm worried I might suddenly grow two heads, LOL! Wait 'till my OH sees that one!

Indigo Blue said...

She needs to have a lie down in a darkend room with a cold flannel on her head. Then attend her nearest science evening class! Poor love.

French Nanny said...

Hmmmmm - has she looked for the crock of gold yet? Seems to me that's going to be easy to find this time...