31 May 2008

Fanfare Please

I did it!
I managed to complete the "Post A Day In May" challenge!
It got a bit wobbly towards the end, but I did actually quite enjoy thinking of different things to write about (even if I did wake up sometimes at 4am thinking "what-the-Nora can I post about today?!?!")
So in May, I've shared some of my personal weirdness with you....
I've given you some local history....

I've introduced you to Henry The Hornet.....

You've shared my despair......
And I've even given away something for free!

But the one thing I haven't done, is revealed what Mr Jelly looks like.....

And how does it feel knowing I've completed the challenge?
I'm so happy, I'm off to ride my goat....
Now tell me, is anyone up for "Bend A Spoon in June" ?!



Tip Top said...

Heheheh!! I've enjoyed it!

Jackie said...

Thats a great acheivement. I want to know how you manage to get so many photos in a post. I can only manage to upload 5 then it won't play.
Great Final post for May.

Lindsey said...


I just LOVE the goat riding! Where was that from?

Well done you clever thing. You deserve a rest... but not from blogging. :o)

Sam Gillespie said...

lol - well done JB
It's been a joy to read :D

Jo said...

pmsl @ you!
well done Emma! *claps*

Jana Nielson said...

I'm in for Bend a Spoon In June!! My favorite way to bend spoons is trying to scoop Ice Cream that is VERY frozen!!

Thanks for the giggles in May!

Hoola Tallulah said...

PML you crack me up!