5 October 2008

Okay, So Admin Isn't My Strong Point!

So you've all sent out your camper-van swap goodies to your recipient .... yes?
What do you mean you haven't got their address?
Oh. That would be my fault.
Is there anybody who hasn't got their swapee's address?
Please drop me an email to : info(@)jellybelly-jellybrain(dot)co(dot)uk with the subject header;
"You are a rubbish woman, who am I supposed to be sending this to?"
In the meantime, I know one person has been completely organised and finished their project, so hat's off to Lyndsey at EthelandEdna!

To see more pictures, please have a look at the group I've created on flickr, and make sure to add your own pictures. (You will have to ask to be invited first)


Tip Top said...

Ahah!! My swop partner and I have conversed on this matter and have indeedy swopped the addresses.

I am almost organised - project halfway through and aim to be done and in post by the end of this very week!!

You are forgiven!

Jana Nielson said...

Heh..heh....heh! Mine is going in the mail this week!!! I'm still looking for a little snacky to send with it!

Leah said...

Mine's ready to go

Lindsey said...

Whooppeeeeeee! Can't wait to see the others *sitting back, arms folded and smug grin on face*.

April said...

Yup - spoke to my partner and posted the parcel this morning!

April xx

Esther said...

My partner, Katy, has already sent me my parcel and very lovely it was too. Will have to check with her if she has pics though I will do some too.

I'm still finishing mine as we have had a run of illness, even the computer has been joining in !

Tip Top said...

And there is an award for you on my blog!

Indigo Blue said...

nearly finished too. Got my partners address and shall send it asap.

Jennie said...

ooh can't wait to see what everyone makes.

Joanne said...

Have received my lovely parcel today. Am almost ready should post by the weekend.

Selfsewn said...

received my goodies this morning and posted mine off, phew!