26 October 2008

Wanna Play?

I enjoyed answering your questions so much, I have devised a new blog MEME
(click here for a definition of "MEME")
I have called it
(1) Each Tuesday I shall post a question / topic suggestion / idea for a blog post and you decide whether you want to join in on that day
(2) Post a comment on the Tuesday post to say you have joined in and then we can all see how everybody has answered!
Please feel free to add the button to your own sidebar by copying and pasting this code into an html widget in your sidebar:
Stand-by for Tuesday's question!


Sal said...

Hi Emma, you won my railway poster competition.Can you please send me your address? Thanks! Sal ;-)

Tip Top said...

Okay! Shall give it a whirl!! On stand by awaiting mission destructions, m'lady!


COOL idea I'll have a bash at that. Thanks for the insight to your life through the questions. Excellent twist to the seven facts. :)