4 July 2008

Which Pig?

Picture the scene ... boy*jelly and me walk through the door from school yesterday afternoon:
Me : Granny came round earlier today with some shoe boxes for you

boy*jelly : Great! I'm gonna make a house for a guinea pig!
Me : That's a good idea. Hey! I could make you a guinea pig out of a sock to put in the box.
boy*jelly : Okay!
Off I go upstairs to look for a suitable sock. Amazingly, none of us have any guinea-pig colour socks. I find an old grey terry sock that is a bit fluffy when turned inside out.
Me : Your guinea pig's going to have to be a grey one.
boy*jelly : Yes, they are grey.
I cut up the sock and sew on some buttons for eyes.
Me : Right, I've done the eyes, I'll make a start on his ears.
boy*jelly : They don't have ears.
Me : Oh! Don't they?
boy*jelly : Nope
Me : Right. Well, I'll give him some whiskers then.
boy*jelly : They don't have whiskers.
Me : You sure?
boy*jelly : Yup.
Me : Right. Well, what colour nose shall I give him?
boy*jelly : They don't have noses.
Me : Now look here! I'm pretty certain guinea pigs have noses mate.
boy*jelly : Oh yes, you're right.
Me : Fine. So what colour nose shall I give him?
boy*jelly : The same colour as his shell.
Me : Errr, what shell?
boy*jelly : His shell!
Me : I'm almost fairly positive that guinea pigs don't have shells?
boy*jelly : THEY DO!
Me : Let's have a look on the computer then and I'll show you that not only do they not have shells, but they also have whiskers and ears.


boy*jelly : That's not a guinea pig!
Me : Ummm, it is .....!
A thought slowly occurs to me.
Me : Do you mean this?


(common woodlice - known in this house as chucky-pigs)
boy*jelly : Yes! That's a guinea pig! That's what I want you to make me!

boy*jelly : Chucky-Pig, yeah! Not guinea pig.
So, being the brilliant mother I am, here is my attempt at a chucky pig

I don't know about you, but I can't spot the difference.....



Tip Top said...

That is sooooo funny!!

And nope, can't tell the difference either!

prettyshabby said...

so sweet!..must admit I've never heard them called chucky pigs but that's a fab one you made!

Lindsey said...

hahaha! Fantastic! Yup my nan used to call them 'pigs' when I was little. He's fab. What's his name?

Jackie said...

It reminds me of a friend of mine who went to a posh hotel withe their young daughter who insisted on ordering prunes for breakfast. After much 'are you sure?' and 'You don't like prunes' and 'yes I do I've had them before'the waitress disappeared and they asked her what she thought they were like. She said 'they're pink and long and you eat them with a stick'.

Jana Nielson said...

Are they the same things as Tater bugs!