Nothing of blog-worthiness going on here at jelly HQ, so I thought I'd share a photo I took of boy*jelly recently.
His eyelashes really are that long.
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just why is it boys get to have these ridiculously long eyelashes?
lovely photo by the way of your very handsome young chap. x
How do you all get your boys to have their hair wet? Mine still screams like a banshee when I try to wash his hair ...
Lovey photo! My daughter refuses point blankto lay back in the water to rinse her hair out, so its a jug of water over the head for her!
Beautiful picture! My son has eyelashes like that, and so does my daughter. And actually, so do I. Not that I'm bragging or anything :)
What a cutie!
Stunning photo Emma, just stunning. x
What a wonderful photo of him !! he's really photogenic.. I'd frame that one if it was mine!
such a beautiful picture! what kind of camera do you use?
(my word veri is "dictax". i would like to see that implemented on several politicians.)
I agree with the other commenters - I love the picture! I think my OH would freak out if I dangled the camera over the bath for a picture like that - then again he freaks out when I pick up the camera in the first place lol.
(My word veri is raberth whats that when it's at home lol)
This picture is amazing. Just stunning.
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