27 September 2009

All Change!

You found the new place then?
I haven't had much of a chance to re-decorate the new blog ... just a new header and a few tweaks to the sidebar.
Make sure you add the new blog URL (http://www.mrs-jelly.blogspot.com/) to your blog-reader to ensure you get notified of new posts.

(Or click the link below)

Subscribe in a reader

Any links that you may have to me on your own blog (maybe on your sidebar) will also need to be changed from the old address to this one.
See you when I've had chance to move in properly!


Cass said...

I can't get this one to work in bloglines. When I subscribe I just keep getting your other blog listing not this one. Any ideas?

JuliaB said...

hello! i'm here. x

Unknown said...

Found you and have subscribed! Suzie. x

Ruth said...

well hello! i made the trek over too :)

Gluten Free Store Ltd www.glutenfreestore.co.nz said...

I got the movers in and have followed you to your new place. That sounds a bit like stalking though eh?!!! :0)

Kathi D said...

Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes . . .

I hate change. Yet I'm here. So there you go.

menopausalmusing said...

Get the kettle on love......... I've brought cakes! :O)

Jackie said...

How did you move everything over?Its beyond me.