If you follow my inane and vaccuous tweets on Twitter you'll know that I had an eye test last week. .
I decided it was time to get them checked because most of our car journeys for the past few months have included the following converstion
(with me in the passenger seat I hasten to add)
Me (to Mr Jelly) : "Tell me when you can read the words on that sign?"
Mr Jelly (before I've finished speaking) : "Now"
Me (choosing one further away) : "How about that one?"
Mr Jelly : "Now"
Me : "Oh"
Mr Jelly : "Please tell me you can read the number plate of the car in front?"
Me : "Yes of course I can!"
And if ever there was anything to read on the telly ...
Me : "What does that say?"
Mr Jelly : "Oh for Pete's sake, go and get your eyes tested already!"
.(Actually, he didn't use the word "Pete", but this is a family blog)
So I finally got them tested.
I was sitting in the optician's chair when she asked me if I could read a line of illuminated letters whilst donning some fancy frames.
"Ummm. I can see that there's some letters there, but I can't read them to you, no"
Then she slipped in some lenses.
I said "Oooh! I can read them!" and then realised that, actually, that probably wasn't a good sign....
I picked up my glasses last Wednesday.
I don't strictly have to wear them all the time, and I try pretending they don't actually make that much difference, but it's no use, I can't deny how much sharper everything looks when I'm wearing them.
Upon being told I had to wear glasses, Mr Jelly commented that perhaps they might make me look more intelligent?
I told him the only time I look more intelligent is when I stand next to him
(boom, tish)
Before revealing them to you, I wanted to perfect my speccy-four-eyes looks :
The "Why Mrs Jelly, you're beautiful " look..
The "Let me just think about that for a moment" look
The "You're in big trouble now, buster" look.
The "Away with the fairies" look
(although it was supposed to be "Office Slut")
And the, "Yes, they do make me look more intelligent" look