I left you in November after I'd just done that horrendous baby show and had got a speeding fine.
So Christmas came and went and then we were hit with Black January.
Black for two reasons ...
... I turned 40 and we lost our lovely 15 year old dog Poppy.
But I don't want my comeback gig to start off on a downer, so let's whizz on ahead to February.
Me and Mr*Jelly went to London for the weekend and did the tourist bit.
Granny*Jelly totally spoilt us and paid for us to stay in a four-star hotel. It had revolving doors and huge glass chandeliers in the lobby and everything. It even had a telly in the bathroom!
However, four star prices didn't stop some tw*t having a cigarette in their room at 2:00 am and setting all the fire alarms off!
Still, I did manage to get these shots of the London Eye and the very posh fire escape stairs!
March. Can't remember much about March.
Or April.
June .... nup, bit of a blank, but I'm sure it will all come back to me over the next few blog posts!
So. Here we are almost in July.
I'd love to be able to tell you that I've lost tons of weight since we last spoke, but, hey this is me remember!
We have got a new addition to the family though ...
... meet Jazzy
Looks cute doesn't she?
Butter wouldn't melt, right?
Don't you believe it!
She's the naughtiest sock-eating, shoe-eating, rabbit-pooh eating, cow-pooh eating, sheep-pooh-eating, stick-eating, toilet-roll-shredding, climbing-on-the-sofa, sleeping-on-beds, won't-come-back-when-she's-called 10-month old Lab you ever did see!
Here's evidence of how much she loves her socks ...
... in her food bowl, saving it for later.
And toilet rolls don't stand a chance ...
But we love her.
I want to thank you all for coming to the first night of my comeback tour, you've been a great audience, until next time!