28 October 2009

Snappity Snaps!

I'm still not really in a blogging frame of mind ... I am perfectly fine, just not feeling the bloggy "vibe" at the mo ...

I whisked Mr Jelly away for a surprise trip to London recently as he has just had his 40th birthday ... old codger that he is!
Off to Buckingham Palace
(we never made it ... too far to walk!)
Routemaster bus ... in service!
London sunset
.If you want to see more of my photos, head over to my set on flickr
See you soon




Ruth said...

i love them.
opened the link at work and proper squeed over the bus one... you have an eye for a picture mrs j, no matter how wanky it might sound ;)

coming back for a proper look through soon...

Kathi D said...

Me too neither. Thanks for checking in with us, though!

A Thrifty Mrs said...

I had that feeling for a while too.

Looks like you had a nice trip away though!